1. Are your items authentic? Why are they cheaper than suggested retail price?
Yes, they are guaranteed to be authentic. We survey and hunt for the best deals and discounts from the United States so you get everything at a great value.

2. How do I book or order an item?
If you've seen an item you like, note on the brand, name, and color. Then, click the order link to place your booking.

3. Do I have to pay instantly?
Please go to our payment page here to learn about payment option.

4. How will I receive my items?
Please proceed to our shipping information page here to learn more.

5. Are all items ready-stocked?
Yes they are.

6. Can I get further discounts on your items?
Unfortunately, no. We have chosen the best deals from USA, thus our prices are non-negotiable.

7. Can I cancel or return my orders?
Unfortunately, no. The 50% deposit payment or full payments you make are non-refundable.

8. How reliable is your shipping? Will I receive my items?
We will utilize Pos Laju Next-Day Shipping which features track and trace system, proof of delivery, and compensation for lost/damage.

9.What if I have other general questions or inquiries regarding your items?
No problem, please contact us here.

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